Tim Hill

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick. Learn more

Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick August 2019 ECHO

by timhill on 21 August, 2019

Since my last Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick ECHO, here are some of the local issues I have progressed, in some cases with the valued help and support of the relevant Parish Council.

Ward-wide Issues.

Reconstruction of the B530 between the bypass bridge and Kiln Road – Ampthill Road between the bypass bridge and Kiln Road has been externally and independently assessed as being in some danger of a complete deconstruction in a couple of years, due to the extremes of weather in Winter 2018/19 and summer 2019. This is the reason why there has been a temporary 40mph speed limit on this stretch of road for the last few months. Following recent work by Tim and Mayor Dave with Highways Engineers, funds have been allocated in the capital budget for this financial year for surveys and testing. This is to facilitate the detailed design of the works required and for the tender process. The bulk of the capital funding is in next financial year’s budget for when the extensive works are currently planned to take place. In the interim period, Borough Highways will be keeping the road safe.

Ending years of queuing misery at Interchange 1 Retail Park – Ever since the Interchange 1 Retail Park was first opened, it has been obvious that the road layout and priorities were very poorly designed, and residents have suffered from non-stop queuing for far too long. Tim has been pressing Borough officers and the private owners for action to address this problem and there seems to be a resolution now. Tim has now been told that the private owners of the Interchange 1 Retail Park have secured funds to change the layout to end the queuing misery and it is planned to be done in this financial year. Tim has had a meeting with the Borough’s Head of Highways and Planning to go through the details of the planned scheme. In brief, the plans are as follows:

• Reopening the “old access road” as far as the end of the Retail Park.

• A new, two-way access at the western end of the Retail Park (the old Toys R Us end).

• Alterations to the roundabout within the Retail Park to prevent the left turn into the western section (TK Maxx etc.), but retaining the right turn out.

• No change to the access / exit arrangements for the eastern section (e.g. Burger King, KFC). If you would like an electronic copy of the plans, please send Tim an e-mail to his e-mail address.

Interchange roundabout markings – Tim has asked the Borough Council to look at improving the lane layouts and markings at the Interchange roundabout e.g. North (from Cow Bridge) – Left hand lane to Interchange 2 and B530 only. Right hand lane to Interchange 1 only.

Concerned about speeding in your village? – Excessive speed through our villages is the most common issue raised with Tim and has an impact not only on road safety, but on the quality of life for local residents. With the help of Tim, Elstow has an excellent team of village volunteers co-ordinated by Jon Miles. Stewartby has an excellent team of volunteers co-ordinated by Tim. Both teams of volunteers will be running sessions during the next few months to log any vehicles exceeding the speed limit. The results will then be forwarded to the Police who will then arrange for the registered keeper to receive the relevant caution, which includes a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Parish Issues.


Travellers on Abbey Fields – An illegal encampment was set up on Friday 12th July, off the Abbey Fields road near its junction with West End. On seeing posts regarding it on Facebook the same day, Tim immediately reported it on 101 to the police and e-mailed Borough officers. Due to the illegal encampment’s proximity to the village green and it being on a popular leisure site for families and dog walkers, Tim asked the police to use their Section 61 powers to immediately remove the travellers. The police chose not to. On Saturday 13th July, Tim rang 101 to press for the police to take prompt action to remove the travellers. They chose not to. On Monday 15th July, Tim escalated the lack of action by the police to Inspector level. He also escalated it to senior Borough Officers and they issued a Section 77 Notice, which was then approved by the Court and served on the travellers the same day for eviction by Tuesday 16th July. The travellers chose to leave before being forcibly evicted. Also, Tim has sent a resident’s photo of the travellers actually getting on to the site, to Borough Officers asking for improved bunding to stop any more illegal encampments on this site.

Poor state of car park access road – Residents of the Bunyans Mead estate in Elstow have told Tim that the access road to the first car park is in a bad state. From previous issues on the estate, Tim believes this road is BPHA’s responsibility to keep in a good state of repair, rather than that of Borough Highways. Tim has asked BPHA to investigate and let him know what repairs they intend to do. Tim has also got a pothole in front of the access road filled in by Borough Highways.

Litter at Abbey Fields shops – Whilst the opening of the supermarket on Abbey Fields at long last should be generally welcomed, it has led to increased litter in the immediate area. Tim was pleased to see a litter bin has been installed outside the supermarket, but he has asked the Borough Council to install a couple more litter bins to help with the litter problem. Whilst there will always be inconsiderate people who just drop litter with no care for their community, having at least one litter bin in the area should help reduce the problem.

Extension of double yellow lines in Wigram Close – The much needed extension of the double yellow lines in Wigram Close has now been done. This has been pressed for by Tim and Elstow Parish Council. Parking in West End outside and near the new cottages – The new cottages have at least 12 parking bays behind them. This was planned to be sufficient for the new residents to use. Unsurprisingly, some of the new residents are parking at the front of their cottages. Local residents have raised their concerns with both Tim and the Parish Council that this is adding to the already existing parking problems in the area. Tim will be conducting a survey in the area to suggest possible solutions. He has also hosted a site meeting with a Borough Highways Officer and the Parish Council Chair to discuss possible solutions. These include double yellow lines on the High Street/West End corner and from the new cottages rear parking bays entrance to the Progress Way roundabout. Double yellow lines will not be installed on the north side or all the way along the south side as that will only lead to speeding issues on this stretch of road.

Parking provision in Bunyans Mead – When Bunyan’s Mead was first built and the more recent development, it wasn’t anticipated that most of the properties would have cars or indeed several would have more than one. Therefore, the current car parking provision is woefully inadequate and is an ongoing problem. Following site visits hosted by Tim Hill, it has been established that the grass area between Bunyan’s Mead and the high numbers of Pilgrims Way is in the “ownership” of the Borough’s Environment Team. It is clear that the second car park would be difficult to extend into the grass area for various on-site reasons. However, in the first car park, there is already virtually a wide enough space between the last parking bay on each side and the grass area. So, it seems to be relatively simple and cheaper than the second car park, to extend the first car park into the grass area by say two parking bays either side. Tim is seeking further site meetings with Borough, Parish and BPHA representatives, and local residents to progress the first car park option.

Dangerous parking outside Abbey Fields shops – A small number of inconsiderate drivers are parking on the footpath outside the shops, rather than in the numerous parking bays by the side of the supermarket or in the layby outside the shops. Tim is working with Borough officers to get some double yellow lines installed on the stretches of road outside the shops.

Abbey Fields Roundabout Group – Tim has assigned a sizeable contribution from his Councillor’s Ward Fund to help the Abbey Fields Roundabout Group pay for a magnolia tree, summer flowering bulbs and perennials, and a wooden bench. This follows a similar donation Tim made to the Group in the last financial year. Tim said “The Group is doing absolutely tremendous work in transforming all the roundabouts and other areas on the Abbey Fields estate, and deserves all the financial and physical support I am able to give it”.


Overnight working at the Covanta Incinerator Construction site – Tim has received complaints from Stewartby residents about noise nuisance from the Covanta site at night. Tim has raised this issue with Borough Officers but he needs residents to PLEASE report it on here as evidence of an issue. https://www.bedford.gov.uk/…/noise-nuisance…/noise-nuisance/ The first thing you see on the really good new Council web site is a link to report things like this. Council officers have advised Tim that there are potentially several breaches of the law taking place, most notably possible planning and noise nuisance issues.

Burglaries in Stewartby – There have been a small number of burglaries in Stewartby recently. All life-threatening burglaries should immediately reported on 999 and non-life-threatening ones on 101. Tim suggests that anyone who is concerned about their property should contact Bedfordshire Police to get it “Property Marking”. Property marking by itself cannot prevent a theft from happening but it can act as a deterrent to most thieves. Not only that but in many cases if the property is not marked, the police cannot not identify the rightful owner. Because of this, it makes it very difficult for the police to prove the item was stolen in the first place. A frustrating situation, as you can imagine, but Property Marking” offers a simple solution. Please contact the following for further details. Juliet Donel, Neighbourhood Watch Administrator Telephone: 07931 293908 Email: WatchSchemes@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk

Formal opening of new HQ – Tim performed the opening ceremony on the afternoon of 1st July at Redcrest House, the new HQ for GRT Scaffolding on the Belmont site in Woburn Road, Stewartby. Tim said “It was a real pleasure to do this. The site used to have on it a derelict house with squatters and a dangerous exit. “This new HQ not only makes a much better use of the site, it also provides a safer exit and more employment opportunities locally.” This is another sign of the healthy local economy under Mayor Dave.

Travellers on Village Green – Local residents will remember the illegal encampment on Stewartby Village Green earlier this year. Following the success of his work in getting earth bunding installed to prevent further illegal encampments on Romsey Way and Abbey Fields, Elstow, and the Sports Field and Quest Pit in Stewartby, Tim has asked Borough officers to provide an estimate of the cost of installing low level earth bunding around Stewartby Village Green. Earth bunding works as it still allows necessary vehicles onto a site, but smashes the “A-Frame” of travellers’ caravans if they attempt to go over it. Unfortunately, Stewartby Parish Council does not wish to pursue the bunding option. This will leave the Village Green vulnerable to further illegal encampments.

Allotments in Stewartby – Tim and Stewartby Parish Council are working with Borough officers to see what can be done to get some land turned over to allotments in Stewartby. There is an allotment site in Stewartby, but it’s a private site behind the bungalows and is only available to the residents of those bungalows.

Double glazing in the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes – Tim is very pleased to report that the Borough Planners have given planning permission for the installation of replacement timber back doors for 1-24, Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes and the work on installing them will start very soon. Planning permission was also recently given for the installation of timber double glazing for 1-24, Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes. These have had to be timber double glazing as 1-24 have been listed by English Heritage. Estate residents will know that 79-86 have had UPVC double glazing installed, and from a short distance away, you wouldn’t know the difference to timber double glazing. Following the success of 79-86, the Trust has now submitted a planning application to install UPVC double glazing into 25-78. Unfortunately, Borough Planners are recommending refusal for this application at the Planning Committee’s meeting on 22nd July. As we go to press, Tim is planning to speak in support of the application at the Planning Committee.

Fly-tipping in Broadmead Road – Tim reported to Borough Hall, an old bath and a large commercial waste bin that had both been dumped on Broadmead Road about 50m away from the tip entrance. The bath was removed the next day and the bin was reported to the owners for prompt removal.

Kempston Hardwick.

Blocked path by Chimney Corner – Residents have been in touch with Tim and Stewartby Parish Council to raise their concerns about the Chimney Corner developer blocking the nearby footpath with brambles, trees and shrubs. Tim has asked a Borough Officer about this and it turns out the developer has temporary permission to block the footpath for the duration of the work. Tim has asked what the planned finishing date for the temporary permission is.

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