Tim Hill

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Elstow, Stewartby and Kempston Hardwick. Learn more

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Current major casework – Stewartby 4

by timhill on 17 January, 2008

As well as the hundreds of cases due to the poor maintenance by the County Council of our roads and footpaths, and the ongoing vandalism of street nameplates, I am working on several major cases in our Ward:

Stewartby 4

4) Speeding on The Crescent

When I raised this with the County Council last year, an Officer without any discussion with me strangely decided that this issue is a low priority. This decision defies understanding given the problems caused to the elderly residents of mainly the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes but also The Crescent by teenagers and young “20s” racing up and down The Crescent and Stewartby Way in their cars.

I’ve asked the County Council to ask the Officer concerned to contact me this time to discuss this further.

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